Unmet Expectations and Philauty which is Self-Love!

I recently ran across a word I had never heard before that may explain why people’s expectations for one another have gotten out of hand in our present chaotic national schism. The word is philauty, and it means ‘self-love, or selfishness, an excessive regard for oneself.’( https://www.thefreedictionary.com/philauty)  For those with a background in Greek, you …

Unmet Expectations and Critical Race Theory

Even if you don’t watch the news, you have undoubtedly heard of the puzzling interactions between seemingly self-righteous opponents who are so entrenched in their positions, and so passionate in their expectations for others, that no amount of logic or fact from the other side will cause them to change their minds. Vitriolic ad hominem …

Unmet Expectations and Life

Unmet Expectations and Our Daily Experience Honestly, I’m tired! Maybe it’s because I have officially entered the ‘older’ stage of life and have too many miles on this old frame. But maybe it’s not so much physical tiredness I am experiencing; maybe it’s more of an exhaustion brought about by trying to meet everybody’s expectations, …

Unmet Expectations and Christian Obedience Part II

Obedience and Prayer When I think about the importance of obedience in the Christian life, nothing seems more confusing than obedience as it relates to prayer. After all, if I am to expect answered prayer then I must meet the conditions. In other words, I must obey, isn’t that right? Let’s think about that in …

Unmet Expectations and Christian Obedience

Most Christians, if they are honest with themselves and with God, have struggled in one way or another with obedience in the Christian life. From the extremes of legalism (meritorious obedience) on the one hand, and antinomianism (obedience not required) on the other, much confusion exists on this subject. What DOES God expect from His …

Unmet Expectations and the ‘Presence’ of God

I remember as a young Christian, it seemed that God and I were connected at the hip. His presence was almost palpable as I moved through the day ‘listening’ for His ‘still small voice,’ or for that God given ‘impression’ that would guide my path and answer my questions. Prayer came easily, thanking God for …

Truth and Unmet Expectations

In my last post I took a quick look at the relationship between tolerance and unmet expectations. When people’s expectations go unmet, sometimes, and these days it seems all the time, the person failing to live up or simply disagreeing is vilified, attacked, and characterized by such pejorative terms as bigot, racist, homophobe, redneck, or …

Tolerance and Unmet Expectations

I’ve thought of late that both tolerance and intolerance are tied to a person’s expectations. Webster’s defines tolerance as “sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one’s own.” (Merriam-Webster, 2018) In 21st Century American society, filled with autonomously held opinions, this traditional definition of tolerance is little tolerated by the …