Truth and Unmet Expectations

In my last post I took a quick look at the relationship between tolerance and unmet expectations. When people’s expectations go unmet, sometimes, and these days it seems all the time, the person failing to live up or simply disagreeing is vilified, attacked, and characterized by such pejorative terms as bigot, racist, homophobe, redneck, or …

Tolerance and Unmet Expectations

I’ve thought of late that both tolerance and intolerance are tied to a person’s expectations. Webster’s defines tolerance as “sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one’s own.” (Merriam-Webster, 2018) In 21st Century American society, filled with autonomously held opinions, this traditional definition of tolerance is little tolerated by the …

Why Unmet Expectations?

Expectations are everywhere! From your grandmother’s insistence that you attend church three times a week, to your own decision never to darken the church door, we all have expectations that we believe are righteous, and that we impose both on ourselves and especially on others. These expectations arise from our culture, from the duly constituted …