Lilly Would!

Dillon was beyond excited as he turned the nose of his green 1974 Plymouth Valiant south on the freeway. The early Spring Day brought a cloudless sky and temperatures in the low seventies; a perfect day to roll down the windows and enjoy the wind on his face. The Chrysler 318 cubic inch V-8 jumped …

Unmet Expectations and Christian Obedience Part II

Obedience and Prayer When I think about the importance of obedience in the Christian life, nothing seems more confusing than obedience as it relates to prayer. After all, if I am to expect answered prayer then I must meet the conditions. In other words, I must obey, isn’t that right? Let’s think about that in …

Unmet Expectations and the ‘Presence’ of God

I remember as a young Christian, it seemed that God and I were connected at the hip. His presence was almost palpable as I moved through the day ‘listening’ for His ‘still small voice,’ or for that God given ‘impression’ that would guide my path and answer my questions. Prayer came easily, thanking God for …

Expectations for Hippies in the Driveway and Other Challenges at Church. Maybe they were Just afraid!

My first exposure to what I will charitably call a fearful attitude arising from wrong headed expectations took place just a few months after I trusted Christ and was baptized. Ironically, it wasn’t at the hands of a blue haired elderly lady, but rather from the pastor of the church I had recently joined as …

Why Unmet Expectations?

Expectations are everywhere! From your grandmother’s insistence that you attend church three times a week, to your own decision never to darken the church door, we all have expectations that we believe are righteous, and that we impose both on ourselves and especially on others. These expectations arise from our culture, from the duly constituted …