“I’m doing the best I can!!”

Most Christians, if they are honest with themselves and with God, have struggled in one way or another with obedience in the Christian life. From the extremes of legalism (meritorious obedience) on the one hand, and antinomianism (obedience not required) on the other, much confusion exists on this subject. What DOES God expect from His children, and are His blessings tied to OUR obedience? Does God withdraw His ‘presence’ and His ‘blessings’ if we don’t obey? Will our prayers go unanswered if we fail to confess ALL our sins? Will our disobedience result in God’s curses rather than His blessings on our lives? Though I can’t answer all the questions people have about the importance of obedience in the Christian life, I do have some thoughts to share on this subject. So, let’s begin!

If you are a Christ follower, especially those of you who struggle with guilt, or find yourself burdened by all the ‘should-s’ and ‘ought-s’ you face every day, listen up! There really is hope for you in the Gospel! Over the next few posts I will work through several statements and questions about expectations and obedience. Explore these statements, questions, and observations with me, and hopefully, we will find the freedom to truly obey God in a way that brings HIM ALL the Glory. Here is the first installment:

Statement #1 – There are numerous spiritual blessings that come through MY obedience.

But Whose Obedience Brings the Blessing?

Besides the obvious question of motivating by rewards rather than gratitude, at first glance it’s hard to think what’s wrong with that statement. Especially when we are baited from pulpits, lecterns, and across kitchen tables that God ONLY favors us, or favors us more, when we obey, and withdraws Himself from us and even ‘spanks’ us when we don’t (Yes, I know about Hebrews 12 and other passages on correction and chastisement. I will deal with that in a later post). But for now, something that characterizes Christ followers is that they LONG to obey the Lord. But as I was taught years ago, if we understood the true heinousness of sin, we would realize that we sin every day in word, thought, and deed. If we understood the true holiness of God, maybe we wouldn’t be so arrogant as to think we can obey enough to impress God to the point He HAS to bless us. Let’s face it, sometimes the desire to obey may not seem obvious even to ourselves because so many believers feel crushed by their own disobedience! Sometimes it’s really hard for someone to think he or she even wants to obey when told repeatedly they don’t measure up to God’s requirements. Trying to keep up becomes a burden too heavy to bear. Such thinking (if you want to call it that) focuses on the wrong object.

“I’m Exhausted!”

Whose obedience is sufficient to ensure the blessing and to avoid the curse?  If it’s mine, and if I don’t receive the blessing is it BECAUSE I wasn’t obedient ENOUGH, and IF I INCREASE my obedience, or DO BETTER, or TRY HARDER, or HAVE MORE FAITH – then I can expect God to bless me, is that right?  Where exactly is the line – is it when my intentions are good, THEN God will bless me?  Or is there some obedience meter in heaven, and if I move the obedience meter into the ‘go’ zone, God will bless me?  I’m exhausted just thing about it!

No my friend – and here is the Good News of the Gospel! The blessings I receive, or better, HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED, are entirely dependent on CHRIST’S obedience, not mine. 

In our self focused fog, some have concluded that God is somehow impressed with our works. But just as my righteousness is as filthy rags (Is 64:6), so my good works are tainted with sin. The beauty of the Gospel is found in such Scripture as Romans 5:8 (NKJ), “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” And 1 John 4:10 (NKJ), “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”

Sweet Freedom in Christ!

Now you may think, as did the Apostle Paul’s readers thought of him (yes, I know I’m no Paul), that I am advocating a license to sin. But with Paul, I say, Romans 6:2 (NASB), “May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?” I will unpack that a bit more in future posts, but the point is, God’s blessings on our lives are tied, not to what I do, but to what Christ has already done! Any blessings in our lives, and they are indeed numerous, come as a result of HIS obedience, not mine! As we will see later, MY obedience flows from HIS already perfect keeping of the Law of God. My hope is in Him, and my obedience is through Him by faith! Galatians 2:20 (NKJ), “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Here is the bottom line: It’s Christ’s Obedience that Brings the Blessing – My Obedience? Not so Much!  

1 thought on “Unmet Expectations and Christian Obedience

  1. Well, said, Ray. We also forget our sin nature so it is not only our acts but our selves that deserves the wrath of God. Jesus came to give us a new nature so that now we are new creations AND to forgive our acts of rebellion. I hope I’ve clicked the right button to get this automatically. I highlighted “Notify me of new posts by email.” I look forward the the rest of this series.

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